Results 1-20 of 863 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
Present and Future of Social Security in Viet Nam, and Korea's Experience, 2018-08-31, 14:30~15:00, 2nd Floor Meeting room, ILSSA, F Building
2018 Internaional Conference: Towards Better Social Security for Asian Countries, 2018-12-03, 10:00~17:30, 프레지던트호텔
Present and Future of Social Security in Viet Nam, and Korea's Experience, 2018-08-30, 08:30~16:30, ILSSA-F Building-No2 Dinh le Hoan Kiem Ha Noi
2018 KIHASA/EWC Conference, 2018-04-09
The 24th Global Social Security Forum: Turning the COVID-19 Crisis into an Opportunity: Addressing Challenges for a Better Social Security System, 2021-10-06, 17:00-20:00, Online webinar & The Plaza Hotel, Seoul
IPSS and KIHASA 2nd Annual Joint Seminar - Population and Social Security through life course -, 2018-02-23, 13:00~17:40, IPSS Conference Room 4+5
2018 세계헌법대회 공동국제학술행사, 2018-06-21, 09:30~13:00, 성균관대학교 600주년기념관
2018년 제1차 인구포럼: 저출산 고령사회 동상이몽과 공감, 2018-07-05, 14:00~17:00, 서울 엘타워 그레이스홀
2018년 제1차 인구포럼: 저출산 고령사회 동상이몽과 공감, 2018-07-05, 13:30~17:00, 서울 엘타워 그레이스홀
RAND-KIHASA Seminar on Marriage and Fertility, 2016-11-14, 랜드연구소
제8차 한몽브 국제컨퍼런스, 2018-05-10, 09:00~18:00, 한국외국어대학교 교수회관
「2018 보건복지부 국제협력사업 기본계획 수립을 위한기초연구」(수탁) 제3차 포럼, 2018-11-26, 16:00~18:00, 서울사회조사센터