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An Introduction to Economic Self-Reliance and Family Formation of Youth in Korea and Japan

IPSS and KIHASA 2nd Annual Joint Seminar - Population and Social Security through life course -, 2018-02-23, 13:00~17:40, IPSS Conference Room 4+5

Leaving Parental Home and 1st Marriage Timing of Youth in Korea and Japan(with Keita Suga)

IPSS and KIHASA 2nd Annual Joint Seminar - Population and Social Security through life course -, 2018-02-23, 13:00~17:40, IPSS Conference Room 4+5

청년층의 경제적 자립과 가족형성에 관한 한일 비교연구

2018년 제차 인구포럼: 저출산 고령사회 동상이몽과 공감, 2018-07-06, 10:00~16:30, 서울 엘타워 그레이스홀
