Results 6,541-6,560 of 7,290 (Search time: 0.011 seconds).

연령대별 순이동인구 변화로 인한 지역경제 효과 분석 = The analysis of regional economic effect by net migration by age cohort

한국지방자치학회, 2022-06-30, 한국지방자치학회보, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 113 - 147

COVID-19 and communication: A sentiment analysis of US state governors' official press releases
  • Tano, Mauricio;
  • Baek, Juha;
  • Ordonez, Adriana;
  • Bosetti, Rita;
  • Menser, Terri;
  • Naufal, George;
  • Kash, Bita

PLOS, 2022-08-30, PLOS ONE, vol. 17, no. 8

Tree canopy, pediatric asthma, and social vulnerability: An ecological study in Connecticut
  • Lee, Sungmin;
  • Baek, Juha;
  • Kim, Se Woong;
  • Newmana, Galen

Elsevier, 2022-05-11, Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 225

예비노인의 삶의 질 다중궤적 연구 = A Study on Quality of Life Multiple Trajectories by Life Stage for Pre-Eldery

한국노년학회, 2022-02-28, 한국노년학, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 73 - 96

건강형평성에 기반하여 디지털 헬스 발전을 도모하다

서울특별시 공공보건의료재단, 2022-11-18, 공론공감, vol. 34

코로나19의 확산과 이행기 청년의 고용변화 = Covid19 Pandemic and the Divided Youth Labor Market in Korea

한국산업노동학회, 2022-02-28, 산업노동연구, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 69 - 101

Digital Information Technology Use and Transnational Healthcare: A Population‑Based Study on Older Russian‑Speaking Migrants in Finland
  • Shin, Young-Kyu;
  • Koskinen, Veera;
  • Kouvonen, Anne;
  • Kemppainen, Teemu;
  • Olakivi, Antero;
  • Wrede, Sirpa;
  • Kemppainen, Laura

Springer, 2022-02-01, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, vol. 24

Who gets labour market training? Access biases of social investment in Finland 

SAGE Publications, 2022-01-27, Journal of European Social Policy, vol. 32, no. 1
