Results 1-20 of 228 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

Conceptual Framework and Policy Suggestions for Improving Worker Safety in Hospitals

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019-03, Research in Brief, no. 39, pp. 1 - 5

A Study of Provider Perceptions of Errors, Fraud and Gaps in Social Welfare Programs

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019, Research in Brief, no. 45, pp. 1 - 11

The Impact of Illness on Employment and Earnings and Its Policy Implications

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019, Research in Brief, no. 46, pp. 1 - 7

North Korea's Healthcare: Current State and Outlook

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019, Research in Brief, no. 41, pp. 1 - 7

Health Risks and the Burden of Diseases Attributed to Overwork

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019, Research in Brief, no. 42, pp. 1 - 6

Recent Trends in Income Distribution in Korea, Including Single-Person Households

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019, Research in Brief, no. 43, pp. 1 - 7

Old-age Poverty and Old-age Income Security in Korea

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019, Research in Brief, no. 44, pp. 1 - 9

Completed Cohort Fertility in Korea and Its Policy Implications

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019-04, Research in Brief, no. 40, pp. 1 - 5

An Understanding of Poverty in Terms of Adjusted Disposable Income

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019-02, Research in Brief, no. 38, pp. 1 - 4

The Effect of Retirement on Mental Health and Cognitive Functioning, and Its Implications for Policy

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2019-01, Research in Brief, no. 37, pp. 1 - 7

이민자의 사회자본이 주관적 건강상태에 미치는 영향 = The Effect of Social Capital on Self-Rated Health Among Immigrants in South Korea
  • 박세희;
  • 황인욱;
  • 고브니엘;
  • 이태진

한국보건사회연구원, 2019-03-31, 보건사회연구 제39권 제1호, pp.166-199

‘다시’ 복지국가란 무엇인가 = What is ‘the’ Welfare State?

한국보건사회연구원, 2019-09-30, 보건사회연구 제39권 제3호, pp.5-8

한국 임금근로자의 직장폭력 경험 현황 및 관련 요인에 관한 연구 = Violence Experience among Wage Workers in the Workplace and Related Factors in Korea
  • 홍기명;
  • 이경무;
  • 장숙랑

한국보건사회연구원, 2019-09-30, 보건사회연구 제39권 제3호, pp.506-534

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