
나트륨 저감 우수업체 등 선정평가 기준 및 홍보방안 마련 = The Development of Selection and Evaluation Criteria along with PR Strategy for Outstanding Company/Local Government in Sodium Reduction

나트륨 저감 우수업체 등 선정평가 기준 및 홍보방안 마련 = The Development of Selection and Evaluation Criteria along with PR Strategy for Outstanding Company/Local Government in Sodium Reduction

정기혜 ; 최정수 ; 김동영 ; 이경윤 ; 박태균 ; 소윤지

나트륨 ; 저감화 ; 평가 ; 홍보
· 나트륨 저감화 사업 평가체계 개선이 필요
· 나트륨 저감화 사업 평가를 위한 새로운 평가체계 개발 필요
· 시의성있는 평가체계 구축 필요
· 이 연구의 목표는 나트륨 저감화에 동참하고 있는 식품제조가공업체 및 제품, 외식 및 단체급식소와 일선에서 사업을 관리하고 있는 각 지자체의 활동에 대한 객관적인 평가를 위해 평가체계를 구축하고, 2015년 새로운 평가체계에 의한 평가 및 포상업체를 선정함에 있음.

The purpose of this study was to develop the system for evaluating sodium reduction
projects by such as food manufacturing and processing company and to evaluate its 2015
performances in practice. Based on literature review, advisory conference by experts,
internal meetings and result from the real evaluation, final evaluation indicators by 4
subjects were developed, through establishment, modification, and elimination.
The number of final evaluation indicators was 49 (9 for food manufacturing and
processing company, 12 for restaurant industry, 14 for contracted food service industry,
and 14 for local government). The evaluation indicators were divided into general
evaluation indicators and representative evaluation indicators. A perfect score of general
indicators was 10 and score of representative indicators was 15. The difference between
two indicators made the weighting effect. Also, scoring system from the Joint Evaluation
System of the Local Government by the Ministry of the Interior was applied.
The evaluation was conducted only to the spontaneously participated subjects. The
number of each subject was; 8 food manufacturing and processing companies, 21
restaurants, 8 contracted food services and 7 local governments.
Food manufacturing and processing companies were divided into big-sized enterprises
and small and medium-sized enterprises. In result, 72.6 point was the highest score and
40.0 point was the lowest score from big-sized enterprises, and 87.4 point was the
highest and 36.8 point was the lowest from small and middle-sized enterprises. The result
of restaurant and contracted food service industry were divided by the operators in
sodium reduction projects: MFDS and local government. In restaurant industry, 80.0 point
was the highest and 51.5 point was the lowest from restaurants operated by MFDS and
89.2 point was the highest and 73.1 point was the lowest from restaurants operated by
local government. In contracted food service industry, 73.3 point was the highest and 47.4
point was the lowest from food services operated by MFDS and 81.5 point (single
participant) was from food services operated by local government. In local government
evaluation, 83.6 point was the highest and 48.2 was the lowest score.
Few problems were derived from the results. There was a low participation from some
subjects and performances by participants were significantly different. Also spot
inspection was needed from some part.
1. 국문요약문 7
2. 영문요약문 9

I. 서론
제1장 용역사업 필요성 및 목적 11
제2장 용역사업개발과제의 내용 및 방법 16

II. 주요국의 나트륨 줄이기 사업 및 용역사업추진 현황
제1장 국내 현황 31
제2장 국외 현황 41
제3장 용역사업 현황 56

III. 나트륨 줄이기 사업 평가지표 및 평가체계 개발
제1장 기본원칙 59
제2장 평가체계 구성 62
제3장 평가지표 개발 64

IV. 2015년 나트륨 줄이기 사업 평가 및 고찰
제1장 평가계획 68
제2장 평가결과 76
제3장 요약 및 시사점 90

V. 2015년 평가체계 및 평가지표 구축
제1장 평가체계 92
제2장 평가지표 93

VI. 홍보방안 마련 및 정책제언
제1장 홍보방안 100
제2장 정책제언 108

VII. 총괄용역사업의 성과 및 참고문헌
제1장 총괄활용성과 110
제2장 참고문헌 112

VIII. 부록
지표정의서 116
보고서 번호
정책보고서 2016-13
KIHASA 주제 분류
보건의료 > 식품/의약품
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