
2015년 식품안전체감도 조사 = Consumer’s Perception of Food Safety in 2015

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dc.description.abstract- 국정과제에 식품안전 선진화 구현이 포함 - 식품안전, 안심에 관한 현황 파악 필요 - 정형화된 소비자 인식조사 실시 필요 - 패널조사 실시 필요 - 인식조사 결과의 활용도 극대화 필요 - 이 연구목적은 4대 사회악중 불량식품 근절을 위하여 국정과제로 2013년부터 매년 조사, 분석하고 있는 식품안전체감도 2015년 조사를 실시함이며, 또한 지난 3년간 조사결과의 시계열적 분석으로 식품안전체감도 변화 추이에 대한 동향을 파악하고자 함
dc.description.abstractAs one of the presidential agenda, study of consumer’s perception of food safety has been carried out since 2013 and biannual study was implemented from 2014. To the present, the survey was carried out five times. Especially, from 2015, not only Food panel, but also expert from various food areas was added as a research subject. Also, some modifications on the supplement survey area were conducted. From this, the promotion level of dozens of leading food policies was examined. Above this, analyzing consumer’s perception of major countries and deriving implications for the development of the food sector statistics were performed. Purpose of this study is to recognize the importance of this study and to implement the survey of consumer’s perception level of food safety to calculate the level of perception of food safety in 2015. Detail purposes are as follows; 1) Build up the survey system for 2015 study; 2) Develop questionnaire for supplement survey area; 3) Implement survey for food expert; 4) Investigate consumer’s perception level of food safety in first and secould half of 2015; 5) Calculate consumer’s perception level of food safety in 2015; and 6) Suggest policies for research efficiency of next year survey. The survey was largely made up of two parts; basic survey and supplement survey. In basic survey, overall food safety management level and five investigation areas, which are safety of imported food; safety of food manufacture and distribution; safety of eating out; safety of communal food service; and safety of selling food around schools, and evaluation on level of food safety management were studied. In supplement survey, with addition of evaluation of the government’s food safety policy and the reason of good evaluation on the policy, factors affecting food safety, using the information related with food safety, rooting out low-quality food were studied. Overall Cronbach's alpha value appeared as 0.82 which was higher than last year, 0.81, meaning reliable. In the first study from first half of the year, total 995 of food panel and 162 of food experts completed the survey. Overall consumer’s perception level of food safety of panel was 74.3% and level of experts was 89.5%. Safety level of selling food around schools was 45.6% of panel and 60.5% of expert which were the lowest among five areas. In the second study, total 984 people competed the survey. Overall consumer’s perception level of food safety of panel was 89.5%, which is highest level so far, and level of experts was 94.6%. Safety level of selling food around schools was 51.5% of panel and 72.3% of expert which were the lowest among five areas. This study has a significant meaning as alternative social study of Statistics Korea(KOSTAT) and presidential agenda of current government. However, it has not approved for national statistics yet and composition of panel is not statistically perfected either. Therefore, appropriate plan for the study and panel would be needed.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 1 요약 3 제1장 서론 17 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 19 제2절 연구의 내용 21 제3절 연구 및 분석방법 24 제2장 주요국의 소비자 인식조사 실시 현황 및 통계 발전 방안 31 제1절 총괄 현황 33 제2절 한국 34 제3절 미국 47 제4절 유럽 56 제5절 일본 75 제6절 시사점 92 제3장 2015년 식품안전체감도 조사설계 95 제1절 조사설계 97 제2절 2015년 조사계획 104 제3절 사전조사 107 제4장 2015년 식품안전체감도 상반기 조사 실시 및 결과 109 제1절 조사 계획 111 제2절 조사 결과 115 제3절 요약 및 시사점 160 제5장 2015년 식품안전체감도 하반기 조사 실시 및 결과 163 제1절 조사 계획 165 제2절 조사 결과 168 제3절 요약 및 시사점 213 제6장 2015년을 포함한 연도별 식품안전체감도 조사결과 비교 217 제1절 조사계획 219 제2절 조사결과 223 제3절 요약 및 시사점 263 제7장 결론 및 정책 제언 265 제1절 결론 267 제2절 정책제언 268 참고문헌 부록 271 부록 275 부록 1. 2015년 식품안전체감도 조사 설문지 275
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea
dc.title2015년 식품안전체감도 조사
dc.title.alternativeConsumer’s Perception of Food Safety in 2015
dc.subject.keyword2015년 식품안전체감도
dc.subject.keyword세부영역별 안전체감도
dc.identifier.localId정책보고서 2015-49
KIHASA 주제 분류
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