
2014년 식품안전체감도 조사 = Consumer’s Perception of Food Safety in 2014

2014년 식품안전체감도 조사 = Consumer’s Perception of Food Safety in 2014

정기혜 ; 김동우 김동영

2014년 식품안전체감도 ; 세부영역별 안전체감도 ; 조사설계 ; 표본설계
식품안전정책에 대한 과학적인 인식도 조사 결과 생산
2013년과 2014년 식품안전체감도에 대한 비교, 분석
과학적인 조사체계 구축을 위한 조사설계, 과정 등에 대한 개선
조사결과에 의한 정책개선으로 식품안전정책에 대한 소비자 신뢰도 제고
식품패널 대상 인식조사로 정책에 대한 시계열적 변화 추이 분석 가능

As one of the presidential agenda, study of consumer’s perception of
food safety was made in the second half of 2013. From this year, to compare
the consumer’s perception from first and second half of year, biannual
study was carried out. These findings will enable the time series
analysis by year or half year. Also, analyzing consumer’s perception of major
countries and comparing the results will be possible. Therefore, the significance
of the study is becoming emphasized. In this study, partial comparison
between results from 2013 and 2014 were implemented.
Purpose of this study is to build up the system for biannual survey of
consumer’s perception level of food safety to calculate the level of perception
of food safety in 2014. Detail purposes are as follows; 1) Build up the
survey system for statistical sampling; 2) Develop questionnaire for consumer’s
perception level of food safety; 3) Identify customized survey
methodology for panels; 4) Implement pilot survey for reliability test on the
questionnaire; 5) Investigate consumer’s perception level of food safety in
first and secould half of 2014; 6) Calculate consumer’s perception level of
food safety in 2014; and 7) Suggest policies for research efficiency of next
year survey.
The survey was largely made up of two parts; basic survey and supplement
survey. In basic survey, overall food safety management level and five
investigation areas, which are safety of selling food around schools; overall
safety of imported food; safety of eating out; safety of food manufacture
and distribution; and safety of communal food service were studied. In supplement survey, public concerns about relative risk by category, factors
affecting food safety, rooting out low-quality food, interest level about
food safety policy and food related information. Overall Cronbach's alpha
value appeared as 0.81 which was higher than last year, 0.71. Also each investigation
area is also above 0.6, meaning reliable.
In the first study from first half of the year, total 970 people completed
the survey. Overall consumer’s perception levels of food safety was 74.4%
and safety level of selling food around schools was 47.7% which was the
lowest among five areas.
In the second study, total 974 people competed the survey. Overall consumer’s
perception levels of food safety was 73.2%. The safety level of imported
food was 51.5%, which was the lowest among five areas.
This study has a significant meaning as alternative social study of
Statistics Korea(KOSTAT) and presidential agenda of current government.
However, it has not approved for national statistics yet and composition of
panel is not statistically perfected either. Therefore, appropriate plan for
the study and panel would be needed.
Abstract 1
요약 3
제1장 서론 13
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 15
제2절 연구의 내용 17
제3절 연구 및 분석방법 19
제2장 주요국의 소비자 인식조사 실시 현황 25
제1절 총괄 현황 27
제2절 영국 28
제3절 일본 46
제3장 2014년 식품안전체감도 조사설계 63
제1절 조사설계 65
제2절 2014년 조사계획 72
제3절 사전조사 74
제4장 2014년 식품안전체감도 상반기 조사 실시 및 결과 75
제1절 조사 계획 77
제2절 조사 결과 80
제3절 세부 조사 결과 90
제4절 요약 및 시사점 122
제5장 2014년 식품안전체감도 하반기 조사 실시 및 결과 125
제1절 조사 계획 127
제2절 조사 결과 130
제3절 세부 조사 결과 142
제4절 요약 및 시사점 174
제6장 2013년, 2014년 식품안전체감도 조사결과 비교 177
제1절 조사대상자 179
제2절 조사결과 182
제3절 요약 및 시사점 201
제7장 결론 및 정책 제언 205
제1절 결론 207
제2절 정책제언 207
참고문헌 209
부록 211
부록 1. 2014년 식품안전체감도 조사 설문지 211
보고서 번호
정책보고서 2014-23
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