
Restructuring of Income Support System and Generative Welfare in Korea

Restructuring of Income Support System and Generative Welfare in Korea

정경배 ; 윤석명 ; 나성린 ; 박능후 ; 홍경준


I. Introduction 9
Background 9
Objectives 10

II. Generative Welfare Model 12
2.1 Definition 12
2.2 Programs of Generative Welfare Model 13
2.3 Welfare Crisis and Neoliberalism 16
2.4 KWS versus SWR 17
2.5 Social Democrats 18
2.6 Comparison of Welfare Regimes 20

III. Income Support System 21
3.1 Income Support through Social Assistance 21
3.1.1 Introduction 21
3.1.2 Trends in Reform of Social Assistance 24
3.1.3 Brief Descriptions of Social Assistance in the Selected Countries 26
3.1.4 Long-term Dependency; the Key Issue of Social Assistance 30
3.1.5 Concluding Remarks 42
3.2 Means-Test Methods 44
3.2.1 Introduction 44
3.2.2 Country Studies: UK 52
3.2.3 Policy Implications for Means-testing in Korea 58
3.3 Workfare 60
3.3.1 Definition 60
3.3.2 Evaluation of Workfare Programs 67
3.3.3 Implications of Workfare on Korea 73
3.4 Welfare Delivery System 73
3.4.1 Introduction 73
3.4.2 Social Insurance Delivery System 75
3.4.3 Social Assistance Delivery System 78
3.4.4 Some Implications of Reform in the Delivery System 82

IV. Pension System 87
4.1 Introduction 87
4.2 General Description and Problems of the Korean Public Pension Systems 88
4.2.1 Major Developments 88
4.2.2 Current Status of Public Pension Scheme 89
4.2.3 Recent National Pension Scheme Reform 90
4.2.4 Brief Description of National Pension Reforms 91
4.2.5 Open Issues in Current Public Pension Schemes in Korea 92
4.3 Pension Systems and Major Reforms in Selected Countries 93
4.3.1 Sweden 93
4.3.2 The United Kingdom 95
4.3.3 Netherlands 100
4.4 Reform Proposals of Pubic Pension Schemes 102
4.4.1 Approach of the World Bank 103
4.4.2 Approach of the International Labor Office 105
4.4.3 Open Issues 109
4.5 Conclusion 110

V. Conclusion: Policy Implications 113

References 121
보고서 번호
용역보고서 2000-48
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