Equity in Health and Health Care Utilization of the Elderly in Korea
- Is the income-related inequality more pronounced in the elderly population?
Equity in Health and Health Care Utilization of the Elderly in Korea
- Is the income-related inequality more pronounced in the elderly population?
Dongjin Kim
; Aram Kang
; Heeran Chae
우리나라 노인
; 건강 및 의료이용
CHAPTER 1 Contents
Introduction 1 1. Definition of health inequality(health inequity) 3 2. Necessity of the study on health inequality in the elderly 4 3. Purpose of this study 7
CHAPTER 2 Contents and methods of study 9 1. Contents of study 11 2. Study methods 12
CHAPTER 3 Status of inequality in health and health care utilization in the elderly 25 1. Health equity 27 2. Equity in health care utilization 32
CHAPTER 4 Results of study 41 1. General status of study subjects 43 2. Inequality in the health of the elderly 48 3. Inequality in the health care utilization of the elderly 50